So, its official, we've finally picked a house for spring break. Since its my senior year and last spring break we've assembled an entire crew of party goers. With this pack of wild animals spring break will be one to remember.
First, there is Em and J. This is pretty accurate portrayal of them both. |
And then theres pulino and alec... my fellow european travelers, certified gangsters, and homies for life.
And then theres Jeff and Nugget! We've traveled with them before, visiting Denver Jeff's home town. It was a blast, seriously amazing time and I know staying with them in SD will only make the trip that much better.
This is a freakishly accurate photo of my darling, wildly fearless homie TK. Always willing to 'slap the bag' TK will get you happier and drunker faster then you can actually say TK.
GB!!! Our newest addition to Spring Break crew, Gabby Mother-effing Brown as I like to call her, is easily one of my favorite people on the planet and one of the BEST people i've ever met. hands down.
Greg!! Omg Greg, my favorite east coster next to my man of course. Greg will also pass down the 'babe' title as his 21st birthday celebration will take place the 1ST weekend of SB :)
Last but certainly not least, me and Elliot!
Can't wait to spend 5 uninterrupted days in San Diego with these fools and even two more amazing nights in SIN CITY!! Viva las Vegas people.
Until Next Time
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