
Cluttering my Dash

Here are some photos that have been on my dashboard.... 

1. MOCA: Starting my newest internship at the MOCA tucson. 
2. Me & E: Graduation Brunch
3. Tombstone Az: Replica Sheriff badge displaying 'Jesse'
4. Tombstone Az: Some seriously vintage Cowboy Boots.
5. Mothers: Post Graduation celebration.
6. Me and Nugget: An outtake from Slosh Ball. 
7. Garlic, Lemon: A trip to the store leads to an impromptu lemon garlic chicken cooking session.

STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK: Denim Vest - CollegeFashionista - College Fashion, Styles, and Trends

STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK: Denim Vest - CollegeFashionista - College Fashion, Styles, and Trends



by: Jesse Gaver
I can't believe today marks one week since I graduated from The University of Arizona. Coming here almost four years ago I wouldn't have believed the amazing experiences I had in store for me.  moving thousands of miles from home really helped me start to learn and become who I am today. I've meet some of the greatest people ever and I can't believe our journey together is coming to an end.  

Almost three years ago it started out with these two.  Joining a sorority I met Emily and Gabby. The friendships I share with these two has easily been one of my greatest rewards in college (side note: crying as I write this) and i'll know we'll always keep in touch.

I met Elliot two years ago last month (WOW, time flies) also credited to Greek life, we've traveled a lot seen most of western Europe together and are focusing on promising futures. Elliot is how I was subsequently introduced to the group I'd spend the rest of my college days chilling, partying, and vacationing with. (not limited too, I didnt forget you Greg, Alec, nugs and Jeff) Jon, Drew, and TK are all  boys who've become my homies these past two years (like it or not gentlemen) and I can't wait to watch all of them succeed! 

1. Old Main Steps: Emily Me Gabby
2. Old Main Mall: TK, Drew, Gabby, Me, Elliot, Emily, Jon.
3. Jumping in front of Old Main: Em, Jon, Gabby, Elliot, Me, TK, Drew (Note: The size of this picture doesn't do the quality and hilarity of it any justice) 

 I've changed so much since stepping off that airplane almost four August's ago, thanks to these people (and many more not graduating) for  being apart of it! 

Love you guys!