
insta-jacked: quote edition

and for this weeks version of, 'insta-jacked', i bring you the "insta-jacked-quote-edition". 

RIP Lou Reed.


I think thats some solid advice.

Well said EikoHara.


eat, sleep, rave, repeat.

since its october (8 days deep) and really starting to feel like Fall it means music festival season is over. (womp, womp, womp..) It's still warm and the frost hasn't started on the ground but, it has started started to chill my heart. Until next season my fellow festival goers. I dedicate this post to the amazing people I was lucky enough to dance, laugh, listen, and rave with.  I love you all, until next year.    


EDC Chicago:

Spring Awakening:

Wavefront Music Festival

North Coast Music Festival

(ps sorry for the messed up banner, i've widened my blog for optimal photo viewing & haven't revamped the banner just yet)



Food For Thought:

"When you're happy for no reason, you bring happiness to your outer experiences rather than trying to extract happiness from them. You don't need to manipulate the world around you to try to make yourself happy. You live from happiness, rather than for happiness."

Marci Shimoff


Circumstance: An event or fact that causes or helps to cause something to happen, typically something undesirable.

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them." 

George Bernard Shaw 


Wise Words

by: Jesse Gaver

Frida Kahlo

I made this little guy today. photo origin: Google....

*Happy Saturday*


The Past Two Months...

By: Jesse Gaver

MY BAD! I know i've been MIA from this lil thing called 'High Tide', I've opted to share some of my past two months in photos...

My NEW JOB!!!!!!! ***** :):):)
a bulls game with my Monarch Daily Interns
a night in the city for the Matt & Kim concert
chicago bears themed christmas lights 

 my new favorite isle at the grocery store
a precious christmas evening photo
1 of a dozen donuts compliments of my bro on a cold sunday morning
a reunion filled city visit including Al
the ridiculous/awesome limo we took to the Lotus concert downtown
Lotus, does not disappoint live. 
the official start of 2013 spent at the big gigantic + with awesome people
one of my many new tights in my collection

the little treat linnea and i enjoyed well into 2013