
Surfs up Chicago

By: Jesse 

Hurricane Sandy means Chicagoans get to surf. I'm posted up in the library, monday afternoon when my friend calls excitedly asking if I'll accompany her to go 'surfing', yes, surfing (in the greater Chicago-land area no less). My immediate response? I'm down, i'm not surfing but i'll play photographer!

It was settled, before I knew it we were on our way up to the north side in search of 20 foot waves. The best part of this little adventure was getting to witness one of my best friends do something she loves so much. Something that has helped her become who she is today at the young 'ol age of 22.

You would never guess it was 40 degrees, and end of october by this picture. 
 Walking out
Paddling out  

The sweet little boat house right on the beach we were at 

Sadly I didn't actually get any of her up and surfing, blame the old Russian man who was very interested in what was happening.....


current jams

by: Jesse

YOU GUYS I have been so off my music game the last few months It's becoming semi problematic. Mostly because i find these bomb 'new' jams and later realize they're 1,2, some times THREE years old. Dang, embarrassing  Anyway heres a few of the videos from songs i've been playing non stop. Take a listen they're GREEEEat!

MSTRKRFT ft. john legend - heartbreaker

Flight Facilities ft. Giselle - Crave you

Goodwill & Hook N Sling - Take you higher

any jams you've been listening to lately and can't stop? I'd love to know. 



By: Jesse Gaver

WTF is monarch daily? Besides that really annoying thing i've been forcefully plugging to all my friends and family..... WELL MONARCH DAILY is a really really exciting art outlet brought to you by infamous celebrity photographer Tyler Shields. (Perhaps you know him from E!'s reality star Francesca Eastwood)

Let me tell you whats good with MD, 1st i'm co-running social media, pinterest, facebook, twitter, etc. with my fellow intern homies Rachel & Alix. BUT back to MD: Its an art destination, dedicated to discovering, celebrating, and encouraging creativity in all of it's forms- brought to you by Tyler Shields.

Anyway, It's a serious deal and we're about to launch within the next week. (THATS WHAT WE'RE AIMING AT) MD is here to showcase artists who are well known, established, household names, as well as aspiring, poor ass, up and coming artists. Our goal is to bring you the coolest, best, most interesting photographers as of now. IF you're a photographer, artist, sculpture, painter, designer, videographer, go ahead and submit your work at www.monarchdaily.com

until next time. (ps like all the graphics I made)


Peace & Yoga: Day 1

by: Jesse

In an attempt to become less anxious and more 'peaceful' during this psychotic transition point in my life I started a 30-day yoga challenge. I can't quite remember where, but I read an article a few months back about a journalist who embarked on this challenge promising to do at least 1 hour of yoga a day, and the concept stuck with me.

Instead of 1- 60 minute session I've decided to do a Tara Stiles yoga video 1st thing when I awake and last thing before I go to sleep. Her videos have helped tons of people find their inner 'Yogi'.  I've always used her videos for at home yoga but this time i'm making it a priority to commit to two mini yoga sessions a day.  Today was my first day and I started out with this video:

I also just ended my day with this video: 

I initially started with Pilates but then eventually found myself doing yoga to help with flexibility and anxiety, plus its a great mini workout. Has anyone else ever practiced yoga to help with nerves, etc? What are some other things you've done to help with anxiety I'd love to know. 


The Past Month

by: Jesse

After uploading pictures from my camera I realized i've been a bunch of places these last two months. Vegas, Seven Falls in Tucson, Dallas, and Iowa City. Here are a few photos from my travels. 


What you do today....

by: Jesse 

So, I made this little guy the other day. Thought I'd pass it along as a little daily inspiration. Happy Monday. (The job hunt continues......)


United in loss.

by: Jesse Gaver

 In the past few years it seems the teeny town of New Lenox was a ritual of taking the lives of residents, especially the young. Time moves slow when it seems the hushed chatter of the last passing is hardly gone before the news of another young death is ringing in your ears. I can't even imagine the heart break felt by those who were close to these young souls, or the devastation their families must have. Enjoy today you don't know if you'll get tomorrow. 


Matt & Kim, & all the good things in the world...

By: Jesse Gaver

There are few artists I allow myself the joy and pleasure of listening to on repeat in fear of overplaying and ruining said artist forever. One artist I do listen to not just on the reg, but probably a little too on the 'reg', is Matt & Kim. They're music draws you in because its fast, and fun, and you can't help but nod and sing along. Not to mention their live show, I caught their New Years Eve set last year and was blown away, Kim's known to shake her booty on stage but she literally gives 'shaking' it a new meaning. (google videos, they won't disappoint)

In short: Matt plays the keyboard and sings, Kim pounds the shit out of her drums in the background and together a pure musical utopia is created. After nervously awaiting the debut of their 4th studio album the duo have released 2 videos. The first titled 'Let's Go' (shown below) was released in late June with a follow up called 'Now' in early September.

Now, enough with all the technical stuff. Matt & Kim are awesome for numerous reasons but I'm just going to name a few. A favorite tune of mine "Where You're Coming From" catalogues the hardships of stardom with mentions of the true story of recording Grand in the bedroom of Matt's childhood home  in Vermont. (How fucking proactively cool are they?) They opted to take their time so built a studio in said home to record and take their time. After 6 months kim went cray, and they relocated but still awesome nonetheless.

Their 4th album "Lightening" is scheduled for release October 2nd, and I'm already counting the days... Did I mention they're on tour? I'll be seeing them in chicago November 10th, and literally could not be more excited. Heres to you Matt & Kim.



by: Jesse 

Who else uses tumblr? i've recently found the ability to pin a post at the top extremely annoying lately... anyone else? anyway... on a break from applying to jobs I used Polyvore to make this little bad boy. who new? 

happy tuesday. 


by: Jesse


more MOCA updates coming soon :)



by: Jesse Gaver

This picture is why I named my blog High Tide.  

Since I ripped it out of a magazine almost 5 years ago I've carried it around as a reminder that change can either ruin you or make you. Tons of recent changes have tempted me to share this, graduation, friends moving, and starting new a career path, but today there was another significant change particularly inspiring, prompting me to share with you, what High Tide comes from. 
The full Quote reads:

"Every one of us is called upon,
probably many times, to start a new life.
A frightening diagnosis, a marriage, a move, loss of a job...
And onward full tilt we go
pitched and wrecked and absurdly resolute, 
driven in spite of everything,
 to make good on a new shore.

To be hopeful, to embrace one possibility after another-
that is surely the basic instinct...
Crying out: HIGH TIDE!
Time to move into the glorious debris.
Time to take this life for what it is.

-Barbara Kingsolver,
High Tide in Tucson


Cluttering my Dash

Here are some photos that have been on my dashboard.... 

1. MOCA: Starting my newest internship at the MOCA tucson. 
2. Me & E: Graduation Brunch
3. Tombstone Az: Replica Sheriff badge displaying 'Jesse'
4. Tombstone Az: Some seriously vintage Cowboy Boots.
5. Mothers: Post Graduation celebration.
6. Me and Nugget: An outtake from Slosh Ball. 
7. Garlic, Lemon: A trip to the store leads to an impromptu lemon garlic chicken cooking session.

STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK: Denim Vest - CollegeFashionista - College Fashion, Styles, and Trends

STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK: Denim Vest - CollegeFashionista - College Fashion, Styles, and Trends



by: Jesse Gaver
I can't believe today marks one week since I graduated from The University of Arizona. Coming here almost four years ago I wouldn't have believed the amazing experiences I had in store for me.  moving thousands of miles from home really helped me start to learn and become who I am today. I've meet some of the greatest people ever and I can't believe our journey together is coming to an end.  

Almost three years ago it started out with these two.  Joining a sorority I met Emily and Gabby. The friendships I share with these two has easily been one of my greatest rewards in college (side note: crying as I write this) and i'll know we'll always keep in touch.

I met Elliot two years ago last month (WOW, time flies) also credited to Greek life, we've traveled a lot seen most of western Europe together and are focusing on promising futures. Elliot is how I was subsequently introduced to the group I'd spend the rest of my college days chilling, partying, and vacationing with. (not limited too, I didnt forget you Greg, Alec, nugs and Jeff) Jon, Drew, and TK are all  boys who've become my homies these past two years (like it or not gentlemen) and I can't wait to watch all of them succeed! 

1. Old Main Steps: Emily Me Gabby
2. Old Main Mall: TK, Drew, Gabby, Me, Elliot, Emily, Jon.
3. Jumping in front of Old Main: Em, Jon, Gabby, Elliot, Me, TK, Drew (Note: The size of this picture doesn't do the quality and hilarity of it any justice) 

 I've changed so much since stepping off that airplane almost four August's ago, thanks to these people (and many more not graduating) for  being apart of it! 

Love you guys! 


Clutter my dash

By: Jesse

Returning from Coachella seriously put me in a funk, its Thursday and I'm finally feeling back to normal again. Below are some things that have been taking up space on my dashboard. Some daily inspiration if you will.

my newest motto to get me through these next few months:


Coachella. ella. ella. ehhh ehhh ehh (umbrella anyone)

by; jesse gaver

With just a mear 24 hours looming until my departure for Coachella weekend 2 I can't seem to focus on anything but the three days of full fledged debauchery i'm about to take part in.  

 The last rave I went to in Belgium, Sensation White we got these gloves. So I had to bring them. despite the predicted above 100 degree weather I'm sure they'll come in hand. 
See you soon Coachella ferris wheel 

Today consists of 1. narrowing down outfits, 2. picking up last minute camping goods, (including ear plugs and batteries) 3. class, school work, presentations, make up quizes, and laundry. 

Any Coachella weekend 1 goers recommend or suggest anything we might need that you forgot? 



For those of you who don't know, I'm a style guru and I write and snap street style photos around the University of Arizona Campus for CollegeFashionista. 

Heres a sneak at my newest advice, check out the full report here. 



Quick shots from over the weekend....

 weekend started with making amazing homemade reeses peanutbutter eggs. Recipe here
 We went for Hibachi to celebrate Pulino's 22nd. 
 I went on a walk and took home some sweet wild flowers.
 me and e.
 Molly came for a weekend visit.
Easter sunday dinner with the boys consisted of homemade Lasagna (it was delicious) 

I hope everyone had a great weekend! :) 


Over the weekend.....

Over the weekend Elliot took me to the Tucson Botanical Gardens.  I'd been wanting to go for quite some time I love flowers and Tucson has slim to no greenery. Sunday offered us the best opportunity to go, the weather was perfect.  There weren't nearly as many flowers as we had expected but it was still pretty awesome to go in the butterfly exhibit (i've never been to one).  
The greenhouse where they kept the butterflies as well...

This moth was the size of Elliots Hand. 

Butterflies stuck to the window in hopes of escaping